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National Indigenous History Month Presentations

June (Demin Dabik-Giizis) is the month of Strawberry Moon as well as National Indigenous History Month. CIPS presents the following events for your Indigenous learning:

Why Land Acknowledgements? - The Land Acknowledgement session is based on the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. The purpose and Truth behind Land Acknowledgements will guide an open discussion and reflection on why a land acknowledgement may be a reconciliation too as well as what a land acknowledgement might include.

Truths and Reconcili-Action - The Truths and ReconciliACTION presentation educate participants about the First Nations historical relationship with the Crown. This includes the Indian Act, Indian Residential School, 60s Scoop, Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, United Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) and other relevant historical benchmarks that have formed Canada’s relationship with Indigenous people. (Trigger warning: Personal stories are shared with participants.)


June 21, 2022, is National Indigenous Peoples Day, please take the time to attend an event held in your local municipality or neighbour Urban Centre and enjoy Indigenous Culture and Events.

Miigwech (Thank you) For more information, please contact Tiffany Taylor, CIPS Project Administrative Coordinator at (705)-400-6722 | Mobile: (705)-917-1321 or via Email:


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