A land acknowledgement is to recognize, respect and thank the traditional territory of the surrounding Indigenous communities and its members. It is to recognize their (Indigenous Community and People) continued connection to this land and to acknowledge that we are all grateful stewards of the land. We are obligated to advance reconciliation with these and all other First Nations, Inuit and Metis in the work we do every day.
Indigenous Peoples see the land as a gift to them from The Creator. This special connection is based on thankfulness, stewardship and responsibility. This deep connection remains despite concerted institutional efforts to undermine and erase it over nearly half a millennium; the land can be shared, but it can never be taken away. Further, it must be respected and protected because the land sustains us all.
Why is a Land Acknowledgement Important?
The development of a land acknowledgement is an exercise in awareness, respect, learning and reflection. Education is one of the key pillars of reconciliation. We are learning, and we encourage all Canadians to do the same. A Land Acknowledgement is also about reconciliation. Only through reconciliation can we, as a society continue with successful and sustained relationships with Indigenous Communities and its members.
Why is Reconciliation Important to Land Acknowledgement?
Reconciliation is also about the development of partnerships and relationships. There is a relationship between people as well as the land that needs to be redeveloped. We recognize that Indigenous Peoples have a unique link to the land which constitutes what is now Canada.
The Indigenous People of Canada have shared this land with us, and for that, we (as Canadians) are thankful. To show our gratitude, we are obligated to use this land in ways that honour those who came before as well as those who will follow us. In doing so, we can slowly help bring healing to what has been, for far too long, an unspeakably tragic relationship.
Why Is It Important to Acknowledge The History Behind Reconciliation?
From broken treaties to residential schools, from forced relocations to boil water advisories, Indigenous Peoples have been, at best, failed by ignorance and indifference, and at worst, victims of genocide. For decades, governments and institutions have attempted to erase Indigenous Peoples from Canada. We must acknowledge that this happened in order to start down the path to reconciliation.
"To begin to undo that injustice, we must also acknowledge this generational trauma and commit to continuing the dismantling of destructive colonial structures that have robbed Indigenous Peoples from enjoying the full prosperity of this land."
Land acknowledgement is the first step in our journey towards reconciliation and healing. As we move forward, we are dedicated to continuing our education and building positive relationships with Indigenous Peoples by influencing change to stop perpetuating colonialism through supporting of Indigenous Peoples and sharing the Truths with the greater society.
We understand you cannot have reconciliation with out “Truth” and the “whole Truth”, we need to go beyond apologies, let’s Act!
Do you need help developing a land acknowledgement for your team or organization? At CIPS we have developed custom land acknowledgements for businesses, institutions and organizations from around the country.
We will develop a custom land acknowledgement that includes land, history, and treaty research. Your unique custom land acknowledgement will be developed for your organization to be used at meetings, conferences and galas.
We have years of experience and with our 100% Indigenous team experts, your land acknowledgement will be unique (to your organization) and well researched (for the territory you will be using the land acknowledgement).
Call us today at (705) 657-1126 or send us an email at: spirit@indigenousaware.com
We will be happy to answer any questions!
Mike Jacobs
1109 Mississauga Street
Curve Lake First Nation, Ontario
K0L 1R0