What is land relationship visioning?
Land Relationship Visioning is the process of looking to the future and making decisions based on lands and waters within your community that you wish to document and protect.
The Goal
Establish community values on the development of lands, housing, and harvesting negotiations (affirm rights).
The Collaboration
Land Relationship Visioning aims to braid Western Science wiht Traditional Indigenous Knowledge in order to facilitate environmental and conservation planning within communities.
The Outcome
Land Relationship Visioning can help to inform a Community Conservation Plan: a vision for the future ecological health of an areas that can be used to develop an action plan to protect the lands and waters for future generations.
Why is Land Relationship Visioning Important?
LRV (Land Relationship Visioning) will help reconnect, maintain or enhance relationships. It can ensure that ecosystems are connected by providing corridors and reproductive areas for wildlife, aiding species in migration and adaptation.
Land Use Planning
The goal is to maintain or even enhance functioning habitats, plant and animal populations, and other significant spaces within your community.
Gives Power to Community
It can help communities to get a head of industrial development pressures and control environment based decisions for the community.
Future Generations
Land Relationship Visioning ensures land and waters are cared for now and for the generations to come.
Land Relationship Visioning: Braiding Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science
Caring for the lands and waters while living in balance with creation is embedded in First Nations traditions and culture. First Nations people have been practicing conservation since time immemorial.
Through observations, changes are noticed in the environment because time spent on the land allows a deeper understanding of the balance in biodiversity. From this view, everything in nature is connected through cycles.
Indigenous Knowledge is increasingly being respected and viewed as complimentary to ecological knowledge in the context of land use and conservation planning.
Keys to Successful Land Relationship Visions
1) Reflect your community;
2) Include long range goals;
3) Protect the land for future generations;
4) Link to wider community initiatives
To contact us please call (705) 657-1126 or by email: spirit@indigenousaware.com. You can also click the chat icon in the bottom right hand corner for a quick chat on how we can help.
Related Project Showcase at CIPS Ontario Aboriginal Lands Association: Land Relationship Visioning Course
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